In life, leather goods are widely used. Leather products are needed for making shoes, clothes, bags, clothing, furniture, cars, etc. Its production process is often inseparable from the cutting of various shapes. The traditional manual cutting efficiency is very slow, usually requires a lot of physical strength, and the important thing is that the effect is not ideal.
As the leader of vibrating knife cutting machine, whether it is the stability of equipment, or cutting performance, we have accumulated a very good industry reputation. Datu leather vibrating knife cutting machine shows excellent performance for various shapes of leather products.
The advantages of Datu leather cutting machine in cutting leather products:
1, fully automated, precise cutting
The graphics need to be cut into the computer, one-click operation, automatic cutting, multi-layer cutting, punching and automatic feeding in one, to ensure the accuracy of cutting.
2, efficient and fast, improve production capacity
Automatic feeding can change the length of feeding, the whole machine covers a smaller area, improve cutting efficiency.
3, one variety, widely applicable
Leather cutting machine, in order to meet customers’ needs for cutting diverse materials, in addition to commonly used PU, PVC, microfiber, mesh cloth, TPU, specially make the maximum thickness of the material up to 50mm, in order to cope with the use of sponge, EVA foam materials.
4, machine drawing line effect
No need for knife die, intelligent cutting, no burning no odor, smooth lines, neat incision, perfect effect.
Post time: Nov-03-2023